Plastic bulk containers are the solution to your supply chain issues

Emily Wilhelmus • Feb 02, 2022

Are supply chain issues costing your business time and money?

Bulk containers are the solution

Are you dealing with supply issues with getting the pallets, plastic wrap, cardboard, and banding to ship your products? If you answered yes, then like millions of other businesses that rely on disposable packaging to ship products and materials. Have you recently noticed that either you can't find the materials you need to ship your product or that the cost has increased so much that it is no longer an option? Plastic bulk containers are a sustainable and cost-effective solution.

What is a plastic bulk container? 

What is a bulk container

There are multiple styles of bulk containers for any material handling application. Reusable bulk containers can be used in various applications, including automotive, industrial, distribution, food and beverage, chemical handling, resin, fruit and vegetable harvest and storage, and military-grade. Bulk containers come in various sizes to fit the material handling needs of any company. Bulk containers are durable and can handle the constant wear and tear from being used in a warehouse and shipping. The life span of a bulk container far exceeds the limited use of cardboard boxes, wooden crates, and pallets. 

What are the benefits of using bulk containers versus disposable packaging?

Bulk containers save warehouse space

Wasted warehouse space = wasted money

Disposable packaging like cardboard boxes or gaylords traditionally need a pallet and require permanent racking to store them safely. Warehouse space comes at a premium, and if you must expand, you have to obtain more warehouse space which can become a financial strain on a business. Collapsible bulk containers do not require any permanent racking or pallets for stacking. Bulk containers are designed to be stacked on top of one another without the use of pallets or permanent racking. Without the need for permanent racking, the layout of your warehouse can remain fluid and can change with the ebb and flow of your inventory or with the applications of your business. When bulk containers are not in use, they can collapse and be stacked, saving you valuable warehouse space.

Save warehouse space

Bulk containers = Sustainability

Using reusable bulk containers can reduce the amount of packaging waste associated with cardboard and wood. Reusable plastic bulk containers can reduce the overall carbon footprint of your material handling system. Our bulk containers are designed for repeated use and — once their useful life has ended — all our containers can be recycled. This means no plastic solid waste goes into landfills. Studies show that reusable bulk containers have an improved carbon footprint of over 30% when compared to similar single-trip/one-time use packaging.

Do you have questions about our large inventory of in-stock bulk containers? Call 1-800-945-8304 or Chat Live with one of our knowledgeable account managers Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm EST. You can also send us an email by visiting our contact page.

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